Friday, February 25, 2011


well, exciting news! our friends wyatt and aimme are now proud parents of a sweet little boy!
small group girls had a shower for aimee a few weeks ago, and i have been meaning to post those pictures before he arrived, but ran out of time! sweet john embry arrived last weekend and he is precious. we made our second trip to the hospital to visit a newby - both in the same month! crazy and exciting.

here are some pictures from the shower. i believe the first one was act like your water just broke.
kelly wins.
who is really pregnant? hard to tell.
sweet little heart. too bad there is just a balloon in there.

in other birthday news, my dear friend meghan had a birthday last week as well. we were fortunate enough to go to atlanta for the big celebration! such a fun night.

1 comment:

Jim said...

hooray for balloons