Wednesday, March 30, 2011

putting the "he" back in "hero"

oh geeze, never a dull moment. okay, so why am i up at 1:00 am posting? because my adrenaline is pumping and i can't fall back asleep. tyler and i were just woken up to the sound of what we thought was someone trying to break in {naturally}; we heard these extremely loud noises like two huge gorillas wrestling upstairs. so, we looked out the window and saw a fluffy tail and some paws dangling from a trellis that is 10 feet from the ground. we at first thought it was mr. fox who has been prancing through the backyard lately. nope, just a pup named rusty.

after pulling ourselves together and going outside, rusty had already freed himself from the trellis, but his dear pal cowboy had managed to get stuck. poor rusty was so worried! after calling the police and befriending rusty, i was able to find a number on him and call his parents.
here is cowboy stuck on the trellis. poor picture quality because i didn't want the flash to scare him. thankfully this story ends happy and the owner was able to get cowboy down with a ladder.

oh, what a night!


JBFerguson said...


Sherry said...

hahahaha.....a crazy night to remember for sure!! the next day I kept thinking I dreamed all that!! So glad it was just a couple of dogs though.........