Friday, May 27, 2011

sole hope

last week our small group got together and got our craft on to help out a wonderful organization called sole hope. our friends, the stevens, were actually in a small group with the woman who started sole hope, back when they lived in asheville, north carolina. sole hope is a non-profit organization out of asheville that brings hope to widows and orphans in africa, by providing them shoes and teaching the women the trade of shoe making. shoes sound so simple and unimportant, but a lot of diseases enter the body through the feet. watch this video if you want to know more of sole hope's inspiration. the video is very graphic, but important, in order to realize the impact companies like sole hope and tom's shoes can have.

so, how were we able to help fix this huge problem?
we traced the shoe design on donated fabric samples, cut them out, and bagged them according to size. very simple and very fun! here is an action shot of the process:
such a wonderful experience to be a part of. with each pattern we cut out, some woman in africa is now going to assemble the pieces and create a pair of shoes that will protect someone from getting foot infections. so exciting! thank you stevens for introducing us to this wonderful organization!

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